Saturday, August 11, 2012

Haven't bought cleaning products...

Those of you who know me well, know that I am not crazy about cleaning the house. My house is always messy. There is always dog hair on the floors. My tables are often dusty and my laundry is never done! I have not had a change in my attitude about house cleaning. But since Kendall has been born, I must admit that I clean more than I ever did before. Mostly I spend time cleaning the floors. She is crawling now, so the floors need to be kept cleaner. I find myself vacuuming and mopping almost every day. Before Kendall, I was lucky to do this once a week!

Having said all that, I want to admit something else. I have not bought any home cleaning products since May. That's right - NONE. This is not because I have cut back on cleaning. To the contrary, I'm actually cleaning more! The thing is, I'm using so many DIY cleansers now that I really haven't had a need to buy any "ready-made" home cleansers in months! Now, I have bought other things in greater quantities - baking soda, vinegar, borax, essential oils, etc. I've bought things to USE in making the DIY cleansers that I am now using. All said, I've enjoyed making and using the DIY cleansers. I doubt I will EVER go back to using ready-made laundry detergents or floor cleaners or dish washing detergents. I really like the ones that I've made and am finding more to make as time goes on.

I hope everyone else is trying these ideas!

PS: Oops! Okay, so I did buy ONE ready-made cleaning product! I bought bleach drops to give them a try. These are drops that you add into the washer instead of liquid bleach. I like using them as I do not need to lug out that huge bleach container each time. Having said that, I am soon going to try a DIY bleach alternative. I'll post back afterwards and let you know how it works.

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