This post is Part One of my deodorant project. Recently my husband complained that his stick of deodorant was making his pits burn and sting. He has had this complaint a few other times in the past. I keep changing the brand but it always seems to end up this way. On a whim I decided to do some online research about making my own. After spending way too much time online looking into it, I finally tweaked several different recipes. I believed that I had come up with a recipe that would work for me. (BTW, this means that I had all the ingredients on hand!) I will post that recipe in Part Two of this blog once I evaluate how the product actually works.
I set to making this new product one evening while the baby was sleeping. During the process, I had one major issue. Everyone said the easiest thing to use was old, leftover deodorant tubes. I found 4 of them lying around the house. It was pretty easy to clean them out for reuse so I thought this would work perfectly. I was wrong - which if you know me well, you know this is rare! There are apparently tubes that you can refill and others that you cannot. None of the research I had done told me this! Some of these tubes do not have a solid bottom. They have holes at the bottom which allows the mixture to just pour right on through. Believe it or not I didn't even notice these holes until I had already poured the mixture into the tubes! It was a big mess.
Luckily I had one additional round tube that I wasn't planning to actually use. It was not the same shape so I figured I would save it for a bar I plan to make for feet. (More on that one later!) I realized that it did indeed have a solid bottom so I ended up using it for my deodorant. Luckily I was able to save enough of it to make one full sized stick.
I put the stick into the fridge to let it set up overnight. When I opened it later, it did actually look and feel just like a stick of deodorant! I was quite pleased. However I'm unsure how well it will actually work. When applying it, this stick is very white. This would not work for anyone who needs a clear deodorant - think tank tops, ladies! But still, I figured it would be fine for the Hubster who wouldn't dream of wearing a tank top. I did try it myself over the weekend. It goes on very dry. I am used to a wetter product. However, that won't really be an issue - just something to get used to.
All said and done it was an easy project - with the exception of finding the right "tubes" to refill. However, they do sell these online new and empty. They were a bit more than I wanted to pay so if I continue with this project I'll have to put a little more thought into the container. We are going to try the deodorant for a week and see how we like it. I've been told that it is NOT the same thing we are used to buying in the stores. First off what we buy is actual antiperspirant and not simple deodorant. There is apparently a HUGE difference in those two terms. Antiperspirants use a chemical/medicinal ingredient like aluminum salts that actually clogs/blocks the pores. (No wonder this stuff makes the pits hurt!) Deodorants simply neutralize the smell of sweat and create an antiseptic barrier against bacteria.
Well, I'll add Part Two in the very near future so that you'll know whether or not this project was a success. I will also add the recipe to that post.
PS: I did end up with some of this mixture left over. This was primarily because I did not have any other tubes that were refillable. I did NOT throw it away. In fact, I USED it for something else. I added more beeswax and coconut oil to the already mixed mixture. I then poured this into a soap mold and let it set up. I've been using this on the baby's bottom to treat her diaper rash with pretty good results. I'll try to remember to add another post with recipes for that!
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