Monday, December 22, 2014

Honey Citrus Ginger Cough and Cold Syrup

I've been meaning to make this for some time now. I finally got around to it this weekend.

This syrup can be used for cough and cold symptoms. It can be taken a tablespoon at a time right out of the fridge. You can also mix a tablespoon into hot tea or hot water and drink it. This syrup actually tastes pretty good. Here is how to make it:

Slice citrus fruits into half moon shapes, thin. I used orange and lemon.
Add some to the bottom of a pint sized mason jar (or similar container).
Add in 2 tsp of dried ginger powder.
Pour honey into jar to fill and ensure you cover the fruit.

Once you have added your honey to the jar stir it all up very well. It may help to use a skewer or butter knife to get through the fruit. You are trying to make sure you get the ginger powder stirred well into the honey.

For mine I also added 8 drops of Thieves essential oil blend. If you do not have this, it's okay. I believe that it works, but many make it without this oil. I also add in 8 drops of lemon essential oil. You could substitute with just a small squirt of real lemon juice.

Once it seems well blended, seal tightly. Turn jar upside down and let sit for an hour in fridge that way. Then turn it right side up and store in the fridge. This cough syrup should always be kept in the fridge. Honey may crystallize. If this happens, just heat the honey, stir well and store. As you use the syrup, you can add more honey to the jar. Keep in fridge for 3-4 months, then make more. This syrup may get thinner as it sits. The honey will pull the juice and all the "good stuff" out of the fruit. It's okay if it's thinner in a week!

I'm sure you already know, but I'll say it anyway. If you can use a good local honey, that is best. Since this recipe is not heated, the honey will keep all it's special "powers" and so it pays to use the local honey if you can find it.


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